Ross Sinclair, 20 Years of Real Life, Free Instruments for Teenagers [LP]


Cover Notes: “2014 was the 20th Anniversary of my Real Life project. I wanted to look back and celebrate this journey, but at the same time look towards the next 20 years with a renewed sense of optimism. What had been promised? What had been achieved? Hundreds of exhibitions and artworks, local, national, international, books and essays to document them all, records, cd’s, posters, postcards, beermats, billboards, and any other forms I could think of to use. But what really remained when the show was over and the people went home? I wanted to explore a way to translate the energy and ambition and hope of these works I had made (many of which had only been ‘live’ for a few weeks or months during an exhibition) into other forms – planting new seeds that could take on a Real Life of their own. Collective asked me to make an exhibition in the City Dome on Calton Hill. This was the perfect opportunity to reach out to another audience.”

“Over the past year 2014/15 we have worked with these bands exploring different aspects of creativity, from songwriting and the construction of the music itself to art and design and recording/mixing. I don’t think it really matters whether it’s music or art or poetry or writing if you can hold on to some semblance of a creative life, to keep you afloat. And the object you are now holding in your hand reflects some of the milestones of this journey. However this record is really only a freeze frame in the creative development and unfurling potential of these dynamic young people, and many others like them. This is why the music you are holding in your hand isn’t the end of the process; it’s really only the beginning. We hope you enjoy the trip.”



Ross Sinclair, 20 Years of Real Life, Free Instruments for Teenagers
Kilcreggan Recording Co. (Cregg 004v), Collective, Edinburgh